
Refund Policy

Last Modified: 16-12-2023

Refund Policy
Thank you for choosing Splendjet OpenAI.We aim to ensure your satisfaction with our services. As part of our commitment to transparency and fair practices, please review our refund policy below:

1. No Refunds:
SplendjetOpenAI does not offer refunds on services once the purchase has been made. Because right after making the purchase, you will have all the credit available for the package you have bought. As we charge per month for our services, you will be able to use them for one month, and after that, you can cancel them whenever you want.

2. Exceptions:
Can't use the service: In the rare instance that you are not satisfied with our service, please contact us immediately for assistance. We will assess the situation and, if deemed appropriate, you might receive a refun. In case  you face any issues, please contact us first before leaving a bad review or canceling your plan. You can cancel your plan at anytime or contact us to help you with that at When you cancel your plan, you still have the credit available for the month you have paid for. After that, you can only use the free plan.

3. Contact Us:
If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact our support team at

4. Policy Updates:
SplendjetOpenAI reserves the right to update or modify the terms of the refund policy at any time without prior notice. The updated policy will be effective upon posting it on our website.

5. Agreement:
By making a purchase with SplendjetOpneAI, you acknowledge and agree to our refund policy.